Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What the girls love to do

This is Bre doing her "mad face". I don't know where she got this from. She has been doing it since she was really little. When she did it the first time, I asked what she was doing and she said she was doing a mad face. She does it really well, and it is so funny. She usually laughs after she is done.

Payton loves books! When she was little, she didn't have the patience for them, but now she loves to sit and look through them. She does good now at going to bed by just looking at a book! Yay, I don't have to hold her or rock her anymore. Huge bonus for me!

Bre is starting to like playing games online. She plays games on Nick Jr. She likes Diego, Max and Ruby, Dora, and Olivia the best. She is getting better at moving and controlling the mouse.

This is how cute Payton is with her hairdown. I usually don't let her just keep it down, because at the end of the day it doesn't look that great. This was in the morning and it still looked pretty cute.

Here are both of the girls with their hair down and looking cute. They are really good to each other. They play pretty well most of the time without fighting! They are close, only 19 months apart. How sweet!


Andee said...

Okay they look so much older with their hair down- isn't it funny how that happens!! They are such cute girls and so smart! just like their MOM!!And tell Bre I am scared from her mad face!! OOOOHHH