Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Playing Ring Around the Rosie

I don't know how little kids can spin so much with

out getting dizzy!

What the girls love to do

This is Bre doing her "mad face". I don't know where she got this from. She has been doing it since she was really little. When she did it the first time, I asked what she was doing and she said she was doing a mad face. She does it really well, and it is so funny. She usually laughs after she is done.

Payton loves books! When she was little, she didn't have the patience for them, but now she loves to sit and look through them. She does good now at going to bed by just looking at a book! Yay, I don't have to hold her or rock her anymore. Huge bonus for me!

Bre is starting to like playing games online. She plays games on Nick Jr. She likes Diego, Max and Ruby, Dora, and Olivia the best. She is getting better at moving and controlling the mouse.

This is how cute Payton is with her hairdown. I usually don't let her just keep it down, because at the end of the day it doesn't look that great. This was in the morning and it still looked pretty cute.

Here are both of the girls with their hair down and looking cute. They are really good to each other. They play pretty well most of the time without fighting! They are close, only 19 months apart. How sweet!

Fun with Toys

We had some fun making the girl's names out of our building blocks. We almost didn't have enough blocks to make Payton's name. It was hard to get her to sit here by her name for this picutre! She did not want to stop playing for the picture, but I got one! Luckily the first shot turned out great!

It was Bre's idea to make her name with the blocks. She is really interested in letters, we are trying to work on sounds to get her ready to start learning to read words. Her smile is kind of forced here, but it is still cute.

This was a couple weeks ago. It was another rainy day, when we stayed in our jammies all day. I was bored too, as you can see. I made the girls this train track for them to play. They loved it and it kept me busy, continually putting it back together as they knocked it down.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Today was a beautiful day! It was in the 60's today and sunny. Doug didn't get called to sub
so we decided to put up the trampoline that Santa brought the kids for Christmas. They played outside while we put it together, it took a couple hours. The trampoline is a 15 ft. Jump King, very nice.

Bre loves to jump on the trampoline! Last year she jumped all of the time at Lisa's house
with her cousins. It is nice to have the larger size because she likes to run around on it too.

Payton likes to jump too. She is so little and light, if she is on by herself the trampoline
barely moves at all. She had a lot of fun today.

This is Bre sitting on her bed. Alex made her the sign with her name on it at grandma's
house one day. Bre wanted to hang it by her bed. I love the spongebob she has, we got it at
Walgreens about a year ago. She looks a lot older in this picture!

Here is Payton on her bed. She gets the bottom of the bunk bed. I love this picture. They had
just finished their bath so her hair is still wet. It only stays down and behind her ears when
it is wet. She looks older with her hair like that too.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Bre loves to dance. She will usually dance while wearing

her dress up clothes, but not this time. She is wearing gloves

though. She found them laying on the table and put them on.

She always does that, she will wear gloves around the house

all day. Today she wore gloves while eating dinner and

she is even wearing them now while sleeping. Weird I know,

but not worth the fit she would throw if I told her to take them off.

Payton has to do everything that Bre does. Bre loves

to dance, so this is Payton's version of dancing.

Here is Payton after her hair cut. She sat on my lap eating crackers and cheese during her hair cut, she does awesome. This is like her 4th or 5th haircut already so she is a pro. I can't believe how fast her hair grows!

Here is Bre after her hair cut. She actually smiled good for this picture. She is such a cutie. She did good during her hair cut too, she ate cheese and crackers too.

This is how long Payton's hair was before we went to get it cut. Her bangs were so long. I didn't think they were this long!

Here is Bre before her hair cut. Her hair was in a pony tail, Doug loves her in a pony tail. She does look very cute, and very grown up.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Oh how little girls love to dress up!! They love to dress up like cheerleaders and of course princesses! Aren't they so cute.

Here is Bre as a cheerleader, with her magic wand. At least she can get herself dressed up now. I guess that is both good and bad. Good because now I don't have to help her, but bad because she likes to change her clothes about 3 or 4 times a day!

Bre is walking around in my shoes and Payton is wearing Doug's shoes. I don't know how they walk around in those things without totally falling down.

This was a rare warm weather day ( now when I say warm that means probably 45 or 50) That is sure warm compared to 20s and 30s! Bre always closes her eyes, just like I do when I take a picture. Still cute though.

Little Payton is such a cutie! She is always so happy! It is always fun to see her get big and start to wear clothes that Bre wore. This picture reminds me of Bre wearing that same sweatshirt. They are so fun. I can't wait to be outside all the time!