Sunday, April 26, 2009

The girls like me to pull them in the bike trailer to go to the park. Bre
suggested that we go to the park, so here they are in the trailer.

Payton is ready to go to the park.

Here is Bre on the slide. I have to make them climb and slide before I
let them swing, otherwise I would push them all day!

Here is Payton at the park. She had a scratch on her nose. It looked worse
earlier. She had a huge scab, she looked like Rudolph.


Lisa said...

Too cute. Seeing the carrier for the bike, made me think of my own when they were little. They loved that thing! I love the chef hat!

Andee said...

AAAAAWWWWHHH!!! I want to go to the park with them too!! I would push them all day for you if I could!! :)