This picture shows it all! This was the first thing that we did at a
park in Joliet. We went with the Godwins to Steve's work picnic.
They rent out this amuzement park and everything is free! It was
really fun! Bre was just barely tall enough to do these go carts, but
she did pretty good. This was her first time driving! She had a
ton of fun, as did we all! Here is Payton, displaying her wonderful putting form. The girls
were funny golfing. They would hit it a couple times, then just pick
up the ball and go drop it in the hole. It was pretty funny! Payton loved riding on the pony! She was smiling the whole time.
Bre loved the teacup ride! They were spinning like crazy. She
loves to spin! At the end she looked a little dizzy though.
This is the kids on the Monster ride.