Friday, October 16, 2009

Picking a Birthday Present

Andee sent Bre a gift card so she could pick out her own present. It
was a hard choice for a Bre since she says "I want that" about
every commercial for a toy she sees on tv.

Here she is with her tea set that she decided to get. We
guided her a little bit, but as you can tell she is very excited!

Of course, as soon as we were back at Lisa's they were playing
with it! Having fun pouring and drinking water.

Payton had fun playing too, even though more of her water
made it on the table than in the cup or in her mouth.


Andee said...

SOOOOOO cute! I love that it's Mrs. Potts! I love that movie!! Tell them that Brianne can't wait to play tea party with them when we come for Christmas!! :)